Hiring an Exterminator

Bakersfield Exterminator is a trained professional who eliminates pests, such as insects and rodents, from homes or businesses. They use a variety of methods, including chemical treatments and traps.

Before the exterminator arrives, clear out clutter in areas that will be treated. This will help the treatment to be more effective.

In order to effectively manage pests, the first step is to correctly identify them. This is essential for determining if control is necessary and selecting the most appropriate control strategy. In addition, accurate identification of key insect pests enables them to be managed without impacting beneficial insects, mites or other organisms that are also important parts of the ecosystem.

Identification should always be done to the species level whenever possible. This is because species within the same family and genera may have very different behaviors, host plants, natural enemy complexes and other factors that influence their interaction with the environment. Accurate pest identification also allows for the collection of pertinent biological and other information that will help formulate an integrated pest management (IPM) strategy that will reduce or eliminate damage to a property or its crops and minimize impacts to the environment.

IPM involves monitoring the presence of pests on a property to determine whether or not pesticide treatments are necessary. Monitoring can be achieved through periodic inspections of the landscape for muddy trails or gnawed wood as well as checking for insect tunnels in walls. Special infrared cameras can be used to examine hard to reach places like wall cavities.

When a pest infestation is detected, it is then necessary to identify the type of pest and its stage in life cycle. Generally speaking, pests are easiest to control during certain “windows” in their life cycles such as the early seedling stages of many weeds and annuals, or during their growth spurt late in the season for most perennials.

Then the correct pesticide can be applied to control the problem. Many pests have more than one generation per year and can recur at regular intervals. For this reason it is particularly important to accurately identify the pest and its life cycle in order to prevent repeated applications of ineffective controls.

To help with pest identification, the Rentokil Pest ID Tool provides a list of common pests such as cockroaches, beetles and termites. Simply select the pest that is causing problems on your business property and follow the steps to find out what kind of infestation you have and how to deal with it.

Pest Control Methods

There are many methods used to remove pests from homes and businesses, including physical traps, netting, decoys, and spraying. Pest control is also often accomplished through the use of biological and chemical solutions. When these methods are combined, they form integrated pest management (IPM). Physical pest control aims to keep pests out of buildings and other structures by blocking holes, cracks, and crevices. For example, a door sweep will stop rodents and roaches from squeezing underneath doorways to enter the house. Barriers can be created by caulking or using screens on windows and doors. These types of methods are most effective against pests that take predictable routes to access a building or garden, such as rodents and cockroaches.

Biological pest control uses living organisms to reduce pest populations, such as natural enemies or pathogens. Some of these organisms are parasites that kill the pest without harming the host. Others are beneficial organisms that release chemicals that interfere with a pest’s normal growth. For instance, nematodes can damage the internal structure of an insect and prevent it from developing into the adult form that causes damage. Biological pest control is less harmful to humans and pets than chemical controls.

Chemical pest control involves the use of synthetic or organic substances to kill insects, mites, and other pests. These substances may be repellents, which can keep pests away from the area, or they can include pesticides that kill the pests when they come into contact with them. Pesticides are typically easier to find and use, and they can produce instant results. However, they can be harmful to humans and animals when they are exposed to them, and some have a damaging effect on the environment.

The most common method of chemical pest control is to use a pyrethrin-based compound such as chrysanthemum extracts. This type of compound, which is sprayed around the property, contains chemicals that bind to a pest’s cells and prevent them from functioning properly. The chemical fipronil, for example, paralyzes cockroaches by binding to their GABA receptors and cutting off the brain-to-muscle connection. This is one of the safest and most environmentally friendly forms of pest control.


Professional exterminators use pesticides to control and eliminate a variety of pests. These chemicals are very effective, especially when combined with other methods like heat treatments or preventive applications. However, they also pose some risks if not handled correctly. This is why it is important to understand how these chemicals work and their safety instructions.

Most pesticides are toxic and can cause serious harm if ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin or eyes. They can also damage the environment, including bodies of water and soil. In addition, some are known to cause cancer and may be harmful to wildlife. The chemicals can be natural or synthetic and may be organic or inorganic. They can also have contaminants and impurities that are not intentionally added but can increase their toxicity. Some pesticides are also broken down into metabolites that remain toxic to living things long after the original compound has been applied.

The effectiveness of a pesticide is determined by its active ingredients and how it works. Typically, the ingredients are combined into a formulation that is mixed with water or other chemicals and then applied to the property to kill the pests. Some of the most common pesticides used by exterminators include pyrethrins (such as Demon WP), cypermethrins (such as Ortho Home Defense Max Indoor Insect Barrier), fipronil (such as Termidor SC), and azadirachtin (such as Altriset).

When using pesticides, it is crucial to follow all label requirements. This includes keeping pesticides out of gutters and storm drains, treating any spills immediately, and maintaining a buffer between treated areas and native vegetation. It is also important to minimize the number of times pesticides are applied. In general, a pest infestation should be treated no more than four times per year.

The use of pesticides is regulated by governmental agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Although DIY pesticides are available, these can be less effective than professionally produced sprays. Moreover, they can be dangerous to household occupants and pets if not used properly. This is particularly true if the labels are not followed or if the chemicals are mixed together incorrectly. Professional exterminators are trained to handle these chemicals safely and to apply them in ways that minimize exposure to household occupants.


When you hire an exterminator, they typically charge a flat fee for their services rather than using an hourly labor rate. They may also charge for supplies and cleanup, which is typical of pest control services. These rates vary by the type of pest and severity of the infestation. In general, termites and bed bugs require more extensive treatment methods than ants or fleas. They may require multiple treatments and tented fumigation, which is costly.

The square footage of the home and property will influence the cost of treatment as well. Larger homes tend to cost more because there are more entry points and hiding spots for pests. A larger yard will also make it more difficult to reach all the areas where the pests are living and nesting. If the exterminator has to use more sprays, bait traps, or other methods to treat a large area, they will likely need to spend more time at the house.

Rodent extermination costs will increase if the pests are in an attic, chimney, or other hard-to-reach places. The size of the house will also increase rat removal prices, as the exterminator will need to set more traps and more of them. Live trapping is pricier than bait traps, as the exterminator has to transport the rodents a mile or more away for release.

Pests can cause a variety of problems, from destroying the structure of your home to creating fire hazards. Whether your infestation is minor or severe, it’s important to call in an exterminator as soon as you see the first signs. This will save you money on costly repairs, improve your safety and health, and keep the problem from escalating.

If you’re looking for a reliable and experienced exterminator, compare quotes from several companies. Then, choose an exterminator who offers a clear estimate of the costs and treatment options. You should be able to get a rough idea of the price range by asking for an initial visit, which includes a detailed inspection and assessment of the infestation. If you need to schedule a follow-up visit, the cost should be clearly outlined as well.